Pawlowsky-Glahn, Vera
University of Girona, Spain.
Dr. Vera Pawlowsky-Glahn studied Mathematics at the University of Barcelona, Spain, and received her PhD (doctor rerum naturam) from the Free University of Berlin, Germany, in 1986. She has been a titular professor at the School of Civil Engineering of the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC) in Barcelona (1986-2000), and full professor of Statistics at the Department of Computer Science, Applied Mathematics, and Statistics of the University of Girona (2001-2018). Her main research topic is since 1982 the statistical analysis of compositional data (CoDa) both in the spatial and non-spatial case. She developed together with Dr. J.J. Egozcue the sample space structure to CoDa. The impact of the methodology has grown exponentially in the last years, as CoDa are present in all applied sciences. She has over 120 publications and 3 books related to this topic. Her research group on compositional data analysis involves professors from different Spanish universities. They started a workshop series, known as CoDaWork, which 8th edition will take place in 2019 in Terrassa (Spain). Her research has regularly received financial support from the Spanish Ministry for Education and Science. Vera has been vice-chancellor at UPC 1990-1994, head of the Department of Computer Science and Applied Mathematics at the University of Girona 2004-2005, and dean of the Graduate School of the University of Girona 2005−06. The International Association for Mathematical Geosciences (IAMG) has been an important professional society in her career, supporting and promoting her research. She received from IAMG the William Christian Krumbein Medal in 2006, she was Distinguished Lecturer in 2007 and received the J.C. Griffiths Teaching Award in 2008. She was the 2008−2012 President and the 2012−2016 Past-President of IAMG. She was the founding President of the Association for Compositional Data (L’Escala (Spain), 2015), and is at present Past-President of the same association. Since 2018 she is an emeritus professor of Statistics at the Department of Computer Science, Applied Mathematics, and Statistics of the University of Girona