Wekerle, Hartmut
Max Planck Institute of neurobiology. Munich, Germany.
Dr. Hartmut Wekerle was director and member of the Max Planck Institute of Neurobiology. In 2012 he was awarded a Hertie Senior Professorship and he led an Extended Emeritus Group. Hartmut Wekerle's scientific research focuses on the mechanisms initiating and driving multiple sclerosis and its experimental models, which imply autoimmune attack against the nervous system. Wekerle's work led to the identification of brain-reactive autoimmune T lymphocytes in the immune system. Most recently, he identified the commensal bacterial gut flora as a factor triggering the pathogenic potential of immune cells. He develops and uses new imaging approaches to detail the mechanisms of autoimmune T cell migration into the brain. Wekerle has received numerous awards, including the Jung Prize, Zülch Prize, Koetser Prize, Charcot Award (MS International Federation), Grand Prix Louis D. (Institut de France), and a Koselleck Award (DFG), Jacob-Henle-Medaille (University Medical Center of Goettingen). He holds an Honorary Professorship of the University of Munich and Honorary Doctorates of the Universities of Hamburg and Wuerzburg. He is a member of the German Academy of Science (Leopoldina), Honorary Member of the Société Française de Neurologie and Honorary Member of the Cuban Neuroscience Society.