Molina, Esther
Spanish National Cancer Research Center. Madrid, Spain
Esther Molina, Ph,D., is currently Miguel Servet researcher in the Genetic and Molecular Epidemiology Group (GMEG), led by Dr. Núria Malats, at the Spanish National Cancer Research Center (CNIO). She graduated in Pharmacy, Food Sciences and Nutrition. Her PhD in Computational Chemistry (2003-2008) was carried out at the Spanish Research Council CSIC, and in part at ETH-Zürich. She also holds a postgraduate Diploma in Epidemiology (Andalusian School of Public Health: 2006-2008). As postdoctoral fellow by CIBERESP and CNIO, she was involved in several international projects on cancer epidemiology, including the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition study (EPIC) and the European Study of Chronic Pancreas Diseases and Genetics (PanGenEU), coordinated by GMEG, which includes around 2,500 pancreatic cancer cases and controls recruited from 6 European countries. Within the PanGenEU study, she is seeking to ascertain genetic and non-genetic factors associated with pancreatic cancer risk. Together with researchers from EMBL-Heidelberg, she has participated in the PanGenEU-microbiome project aimed at identifying oral and gut microbiome profiles leading to the development of pancreatic cancer. Her research activity within the microbiome field also focuses on deciphering to which extent the microbiome-host interactions, i.e., interactions with the host´s lifestyle factors, genotype, and metabolome, associated with pancreatic cancer disease onset and disease progression. She is a membership of “Pancreatic Cancer Research Europe (PCE)” and the PanC4 international consortia of pancreatic cancer case-control studies.